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draft cards造句

"draft cards"是什么意思  
  • I'm wondering if I should burn my draft card.
  • Even, I've been told, some draft cards.
  • On the draft card, " Ford " is written in parenthesis.
  • Ochs performed the song in 1967 on the draft cards.
  • He never burned his draft card or a flag and he never will.
  • You could almost smell the burn ing draft cards.
  • We know that the vast majority of us never burned draft cards or bras.
  • You could almost smell the burning draft cards.
  • His draft card drew $ 22, 500.
  • The " random sequence number " on my draft card is 74.
  • It's difficult to see draft cards in a sentence. 用draft cards造句挺难的
  • David J . Miller was the first person prosecuted for burning his draft card.
  • Zappa asked Bruce to sign his draft card, but the suspicious Bruce refused.
  • Antiwar activist Abbie Hoffman burned his draft card privately in the Spring of 1967.
  • According to his army draft card, Johnson was born in Zachary, Louisiana.
  • While others remember with great fondness burning their draft cards, I remember being drafted.
  • Forget peace signs and burning draft cards.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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